Handicap Parking

One of my regulars has Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Normally a mild-mannered person, on Sunday she fumed with seething indignance over an able-bodied person without a permit parking in a designated handicap spot. At first, she politely pointed the error, hoping the driver would relinquish the space to a handicap permit holder. Instead, the driver got out of the vehicle explaining they were “only going to be a few minutes” adding that in the event of being reported they would be gone before the police arrived.Ouch! What a lame excuse for illegally parking in a handicap space on top of a heap of rudeness.Yes, the school lot where the handicap spots are located gets congested, but there is ample free parking all around the neighborhood. Mitch Berliner, founder of Central Farm Markets, pointed out that there is free covered parking in the lot on Saint Elmo just off Old Georgetown. “You can get a spot there and get into the market using the Wilson Street entrance much quicker than getting stuck in traffic waiting for a spot on the school lot.” Plus, your vehicle won’t be boiling hot when you return with your market goods.Similarly, Pike, NOVA and Westfield all have reserved handicap parking in proximity to the market. Don’t want to haul all your shopping across the street or into a parking garage? Central Farm Markets provides concierge curbside pickup. Just ask market staff at the information tent. Similarly, disabled customers who need assistance, please ask your vendors. If we are unable to assist you, we will locate market staff who can.Listen, I know it’s been hot, and the market gets crowded earlier. Even if you are quickly running in to get a bag of coffee, fresh bread, pastries or a dozen eggs unless you have a valid handicap parking permit, DO NOT PARK IN A HANDICAP SPACE. {I hope this conveys this issue loud enough}As able-bodied people, there is so much we take for granted with our unfettered mobility. Before going out in public we don’t have a running internal dialogue about curbs, stairs, restrooms, doors, etc. Since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990, we’ve had thirty years to integrate this issue into our daily lives yet there’s always those out there who have zero compunction for stepping all over someone else’s civil rights.In Montgomery County, the fine for blatant disregard of the law is $250. In other parts of the country where the problem is more rampant, fines can be as much as $1,000 and a 30-day revocation of the offender’s license for the first offense.Here’s a reminder about the different types of handicap parking spaces you will encounter and the importance of respecting the specified boundaries. All permitted spaces will be marked with the universal logo of a white wheelchair on a blue background. Van accessible spaces may have one or two areas on either side for ramps and lifts. These spaces are not for parking motorcycles or bicycles and are necessary to facility entry and exit of the van. Do not block these spaces either.No one is above the law when it comes to parking in disabled parking spaces without a legally administered placard. In addition to respecting the laws regarding handicap parking spots, be cognizant when they are occupied during your drive through the parking lot. Wheelchair visibility can be impaired when driving a high-profile vehicle, especially when backing. People with mobility challenges may not move as fast. Please be vigilant, patient and most of all, kind.A note to our disabled customers: We at Central Farm Markets believe that everyone deserves access to the farmers market. If you encounter a navigability issue within any of our markets, please bring it to our attention.


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