Kiparoo Farm

Kiparoo 1Annie Kelley has lived on her farm in Middletown, MD for 4 years. Kiparoo Farm is “the home of beautiful sheep, shiny fleece, and lustrous yarn.” Annie raises Border Leicester sheep, a breed that is known for their wool, which is prized by spinners for its high quality. Having grown up on a farm in the Mid-West, she has been raising sheep and working in the fiber business for 40 years. She got her first lamb as an Easter present when she was a child and grew up knitting, raising animals, and working outdoors. She says she is lucky to have been able to do what she loves her whole life.Kiparoo 2 (3)The farm is a beautiful, quirky little place that houses 27 dairy cows and more than 100 sheep. Annie has the sheep sheared twice a year and spends the rest of the year dying the yarn in her own little dye factory located behind her house. The yarn is painted and hand-dyed and each skein is then “lovingly packaged and labeled.”Kiparoo 3This was by far one of my favorite farms to visit. Driving up to it, it was so clear to me that it was a woman’s farm; beautiful flowers in planters, heart-detailed gates in front of the house...I took a tour of the farm - where Annie hosts knitting clubs, ice cream socials, and art studio tours - and was extremely impressed with the amount of work Annie does herself on the grounds. “I can do anything on this farm, believe me,” she says, when I ask her how she makes it all happen. She has help, of course, but the majority of the work is done with her own two hands. Two hands that I can imagine are also very busy knitting!Kiparoo 4I think my favorite part of the farm tour was meeting her cows. Each one has a name and a personality. They were clean, friendly creatures that were clearly happy with their living situations. Very affectionate, too! And the sheep were singing to us as we toured their living quarters! It really proves what a great farmer Annie must be, to be able to keep her animals so happy and healthy.Kiparoo 5Her stand at the market is full of beautiful multi-colored yarn in different shapes, sizes, and patterns. She also sells hand-knitted hats, scarves, and blankets. Patrons can buy finished hand-knits and can also custom order items. A friend of hers takes the milk from her dairy cows to create some of the best soap I’ve ever used. Annie and her knitting partners love to help new knitters get into the hobby, teach classes, talk about patterns, and discuss life on the farm.Kiparoo 6Buying yarn from Annie at Kiparoo Farm is another, albeit unknown, way to support your local farmers. What a unique opportunity Central Farm Market has to be a part of this extremely creative farm. Everyone knows a knitter, and anyone can become a knitter. So stop by and take stock of the amazing amount of work Annie puts into her product. Talk to her about her sheep, ask questions about her knitting club, feel the quality of the product that she so lovingly brings to us at the market. And don’t forget to pick something up for the knitter in your life!


Future Harvest CASA Conference 2015


Two Acre Farm & Spaghetti Squash Marinara